01 October 2020

Largest Driver

Today, Cornell University will release a study identifying the major sources of misinformation about the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic (details here).

At the top of the list, in the number-one spot, is none other than Donald Trump. Studying 38 million articles from all over the English-speaking world, the study found "Trump made up nearly 38 percent of the overall 'misinformation conversation.'"

This is an absolute disgrace. The President of the United States is deliberately circulating false information about the virus in the hope that people won't think things are as dangerous as they are in order to make him look better. The hell with the rest of us as long as it benefits him.

People will become sickened and possibly die because of him. But he doesn't care. As long as everything works out well for him, that's all he thinks about.

He's holding rallies with people not wearing masks and ignoring social distancing. He wants them packed close together so the crowds look larger than they actually are. This is all to benefit him and to hell with them. They're cannon fodder for his narcissism.

It's time to fire him. Voter registration for the November election closes in only few days in some states. Click here to register or to check your status if you're already registered.

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