08 June 2017

Trenton's Playdate

The top here, of course, is Trenton Ducati, who at 6'1 is not a small man. Nonetheless, I notice that porn producers often seem to pair him with a much shorter partner, perhaps to emphasize his powerful build.

I don't know what Trenton's preference is off-screen, but in videos he has both bottomed and topped. He has an interesting background and was, for a time, a real cowboy, as revealed in an interview a few years ago in XBiz (link here).

The watermaked originals for these photos are much larger than they appear below and are part of a collection featuring forty-five images of Trenton topping two different lads in two different shoots. To download the complete group in a free zipped folder, you should click here.


  1. Anonymous05:27

    Juventud y experiencia.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta

  2. Anonymous18:13

    Trenton can top me anytime


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