18 November 2012

Big Brazilian

I can't quite figure out the storyline here, but does that really matter? Apparently the moral of the story is: if you're wanking in your hotel room and some bloke walks in on you, he has to suck you off and then let you fuck him. Sounds good to me!

1 comment:

  1. I think the lessons learned from this video are pretty obvious. 1. Never lock the door when jacking off in a strange hotel room. 2. Never knock when walking into a stranger's hotel room and don't excuse yourself when you see a stranger jacking off (In fact, act surprised and even outraged!). 3. Never wear underware but always have a small starter rip in the backside of your Rugby shorts. 4. Always spit on your dick AFTER you ejaculate. 5. If your spit misses your dick and lands on your lover's face, slap his face a few times to make him not notice that you just spit on him. 6. Finally, even though you are supposedly alone in the room, always wait for the camera man to tell you what to do next.

    To quote the video, "Forgi, forgi, forgi"

    Leo G.


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