Now, however, it has mushroomed into something more serious, and many legal experts believe the matter may now be under review by Robert Mueller, who leads the criminal investigation into the President and his associates.
When the Trump campaign allegedly learned Daniels was due to tell all to the media, their attorney negotiated a secret deal to pay the porn queen $130,000 to keep quiet. That contract included a damages clause stating that Daniels would pay $1 million in penalty to Trump if she broke her word.
Nonetheless, the scandal became news recently, and Daniels has sued to have the agreement voided because Trump never signed the document.
Two issues have come to light in the whole reporting, however, that could constitute a crime committed by Trump and at least one of his associates. Trump's lawyer paid the $130,000 out of his personal funds, but then allegedly was reimbursed by the campaign.
If true, then that payment violates federal law. That's a civil matter, meaning the involved parties would not be charged with a crime.
The complex conspiracy to hide all traces of the payment to avoid appearance of breaking the law could be considered a crime. If Trump participated or directed this conspiracy, then he too may have committed a crime.
A second matter has come to light that points to a possible crime -- Trump's lawyer presented to the media a letter allegedly signed by Daniels, stating that no affair ever took place. The only problem is -- Daniels says she never saw the letter and claims it's a forgery.
If so, if more than one person was involved in creating a forged letter, that could be both further evidence of conspiracy and another count of conspiracy that could be charged. Did Trump know about any forgery and, if so, was it done at his direction?
The Stormy scandal is not dying away -- it's actually building in intensity. Daniels' lawsuit to void the contract is continuing, and she's scheduled to tell all in an interview on television's "60 Minutes" this coming Sunday.
Definitely stay tuned for this one.

One more scandal, over so many other ones in USA, that is so flabbergasting and so sad knowing that USA is supposed to be the land of GOD and where they are always refering to the Holy Bible and its principals but not the one of «sacred marriage»....
ReplyDeleteWith Roy Moore's pedophilia and Weinstein's sexual misbehaviors and so many others coming out these days, is USA becoming the new Sodome and Gomora?
Again, those who are the 1% in USA have the money to cover up their bad sides and show hypocritically some angel face in front.
For that one who said he'd «clean the swamp» we can now see that he added more «shit» in it than any other president before him even with the Clinton's scandal. That one looks not that bad after all.
In all what «45» dis in his past life I can only think of how sad must be Milenia and how outraged she must be seeing their intimacy made public and in such dirty way. But she surely knows her husband and money must be her consolation. Money, money again is the new moral in USA but not so new because money always been the only faith in that savage capitalist country.
Money rules ALL even democratic structures and when a powerful NRA can rule the country's politics and even can control a president and states governments where is the REAL power of democracy?
Yes, all those scandals aren't making America Great.
Esperemos que tanta beyaqueria llegue pronto a su final y que se supere esta pagina negra,.Este chico me quita el aliento, es una verdadera delicia.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta