24 October 2018

Fearmongering and Lies

The Toronto Star ran an excellent piece yesterday (link here) with a title that says it all: "Donald Trump’s strategy as midterms approach: lies and fear-mongering."

Trump has been doing near daily rallies in states where candidates are running for Senate seats in next month's midterms. As the article notes: "Trump made a brief attempt to campaign on his record of accomplishments but, as the November congressional elections approach, he has traded that shiny new positivity for the well-worn tactic that helped him win the presidency in 2016: a blizzard of fear-mongering and lies, many of them about darker-skinned foreigners."

Trump has always been an easy liar, but the pace and intensity and absurdity of his lies has escalated sharply. If the stakes weren't so dire, it would be laughable what he says: Democrats want to use taxpayer money to give free cars to illegal immigrants. Middle-easterners are sneaking into the country disguised as Hispanics. Democrats want to destroy the Social Security safety net.

"The President is taking advantage of the inherent deference most Americans have for the office of the presidency, where people assume a President may sometimes exaggerate but won’t simply make things up" as Trump is doing now, says a Republican appointee from the George W. Bush era, quoted in the article.

Trump's onslaught of lies distracts from the fact that he's desperate and his political future is at stake: if Democrats take over one or both houses of Congress, Trump's lies and crimes will be thrust into the harsh light for all to see. The President is likely terrified of that happening.

A poor showing in the midterms will be a monumental defeat for Trump. We must all work to make certain that happens by voting on November 6th.

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