04 December 2015

The Office Cleaners

A lawyer friend of mine told me that one night recently when she was working late, she accidentally stumbled on an office cleaner giving a blowjob to another office cleaner in the firm's law library.

I should show her this set of pictures featuring office cleaners to see if any of the lads look familiar. But unlike my friend's cleaners, these blokes don't just stop at blowjobs.

The originals for these photos are much larger than they appear below and total forty-five in number. If you'd like to download the complete set in a free zipped folder, be sure to click here.


  1. Anonymous06:13

    Al único que no se lo limpian es al pasivo. Amigo venezolano,CUCUTA

  2. Anonymous22:01

    Names of the actors please?


Speak up!