Hoekstra began his ambassadorship on Wednesday and, needless to say, his reception by the Dutch media has been a trial by fire. When he attempted to hold what should have been an uneventful press conference, he was repeatedly questioned about numerous lies he had told about Netherlands and its people (details here).
The more he tried to duck the questions, the worse it got. The media politely but repeatedly asked him variations of the same question over and over again but he would not respond.
At one point, he was so humiliated, he turned his back on the media and rambled about the embassy fireplace and a John Adams quote displayed on it.
Bless the Dutch. I hope they keep this up. Trump should never have nominated Hoekstra, who in turn should never have been confirmed. But the congressman turned repeatedly failed candidate turned already failing ambassador needs to own what he said and stop acting like a coward.

Peter Hoekstra is living proof that Germans fuck pigs x