Following last week's stunning revelation that this possibility was more than a rumor and that Trump had actually issued the order, only to back down, members of Congress once again are talking about the need for such a bill (details here).
For instance, Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said yesterday "we know that if he tried to [fire Mueller], it would be the end of his presidency" and that everyone in the White House knows this (details here).
Some Republicans support this protection but plenty do not (details here). If I was one of the latter group's constituents, I'd be loudly demanding to know why not.
Trump himself has said he has no plans to fire Mueller, but that's a worthless comment, given his long history of lying and breaking his promises. The man insists he's not guilty, so he should put his money where his mouth is and support legislation that would protect the special counsel. But don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen.
In his explosive bestseller, author Michael Wolff made clear in Fire and Fury that Trump's lawyers begged him repeatedly to stop talking publicly about Mueller's criminal investigation. The President, of course, ignores that advice because he lacks the necessary impulse control to keep his mouth shut. He thus has made the situation much worse for himself.
If he were actually presidential material, he would simply say something like, "I will have no comment until Director Mueller releases his report." Then the issue would disappear from the news. That's why other Presidents who have been investigated have done.
But Trump lacks the emotional maturity to do this. He is like a spoiled, whiny child who constantly needs attention and will do anything, even self-destructive acts, to keep everyone watching.
So I say let him destroy himself. The nation will be far better without him in the White House.

Mueller deber ser protegido por todos.Este modelo esta divino,increible cuerpo y polla.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta