The item starts by recapping all the people who work for Trump who call him some variation of a moron and intellecually limited. It describes a White House where people seem miserable and hate their work, something that has also been said by a wide variety of sources.
It further describes how Donald Trump is petty, chaotic, needy, and narcissistic. He constantly trash talks his staff and those most loyal to him.
So why do they do it? Why deliberately put yourself through it?
He never really answers, but I suspect some of the reason is that people think they can make a successful career after the White House. That is if Trump administration experience doesn't become toxic on a resume -- who bragged about working for Nixon after his great fall.
Others are nihilistic libertarians who suck up Trump in order to wither and destroy government. They see toxicity as a necessary means to an end.
Still others are simply masochists. I know people who have worked for horrible producers in Hollywood who seem to love the abuse.
And some perhaps do it out of love for country, willing to suffer Trump to do what they can to keep him from fucking up too badly. These are the only White House insiders I feel sorry for.
I'm not surprised the Trump White House is a miserable, toxic place. The atmosphere is exalty what you could expect with a toxic, miserable President.
The place makes the Nixon White House sound like Disneyland in comparison.

Todo esto que pasa no sorprende.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta