The lad here who goes by Morgan is a beefy, muscular cutey. The beard is what makes the look. He's been doing porn now for a few months and has had about a half dozen scenes released. All are with other men except for one straight scene he did, where he seemed equally comfortable with a woman as he is with a man. Is he bi? As for stats, he stands 5'10, is a well mucled 190 pounds, and originally from Montreal.
The originals for these photos are huge and are part of a collection with four different shoots featuring Morgan topping other lads with a total of more than a hundred images. To download the complete collection in a free zipped folder, be sure to click here.

So funny that often like this post you put pictures of a video I've just downloaded yesterday.
ReplyDeleteI'm not really into such bearded guys but must admit that this one is quite sexy.
Last week I stopped by my Fido cellphone shop near my place and there was the same kind of «bearded cuty» that helped me solve a small issue on my cellphone. He was very nice, attractive and shoke my hand very nicely after before I left the shop.
He looked like this gorgeous bearded sexy guy here.
Este barbudo me parece muy sexy-Amigo venezolano,Cucuta