The dossier claims that Trump consorted with prostitutes in a Moscow hotel suite where he ordered them to urinate on a bed that had once been used by President and First Lady Obama during a previous visit. This was one of several different alleged Trump assignations with prostitutes in Russia, all of which were allegedly recorded secretly and could be or already have been used to blackmail him.
As the Comey memos reveal, Trump insisted he did not stay overnight in Moscow on the night the golden showers incident supposedly took place. But as Talking Points Memo documented on Friday (link here), that is an easily disproven lie.
Trump spent not one but two nights in Moscow when the incident is said to have occurred, as the linked article (with further source links) details with FAA filings and more.
Proving Trump was actually in Moscow when he says he wasn't does not prove that the urination incident took place. But as the Talking Points Memo item notes, why is Trump lying about this trip?
If nothing happened, why so many lies about not being in Moscow?

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