09 June 2019


During a recent meeting with the Democratic leadership, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi quipped that she wanted to see Donald Trump in prison.

That has now brought howls of outrage from the White House and Trump's media loyalists. For instance, Trump loyalist Sean Hannity was beside himself with outraged when he wailed "Speaker Pelosi now apparently telling senior Democrats that she’d like to see Trump behind bars... She wants a political opponent locked up in prison? That happens in banana republics -- beyond despicable behavior. And by the way, they would literally turn, in many ways, the USA into a country we no longer recognize" (source here).

Now that's curious. This, of course, is the same Sean Hannity who during the 2016 presidential campaign and afterwards gleefully called for imprisonment for Hillary Clinton, notwithstanding she had been charged with no crimes. For instance, last year, he said "I think Hillary should be in jail. Lock her up. Lock her up" (source here).

Hannity, of course, was not alone in bellowing about how Secretary Clinton should be locked up. Anyone who watched footage of the Republican National Convention in 2016 will remember GOP luminaries on stage leading chants of "lock her up" when Clinton was discussed.

One of those cheerleaders was Mike Flynn, Trump's senior campaign aide and later National Security Adviser. Flynn has now pleaded guilty to federal charges and will likely end up in prison.

And at Trump's 2019 campaign rallies, just like those in 2017 and 2018, the audience regularly is led in "lock her up" chants when, for whatever reason, even though she's not running for anything, her name is dangled before the crowd.

One common characteristic of bullies is that they can dish it out but they can't take it. That certainly seems to apply to Trump and Hannity and anyone else who clutched pearls this week at Speaker Pelosi's quip.

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