05 June 2019

Unsurprisingly Sleazy

On Monday, the New York Times broke the story (paywall-free link here) that Donald Trump's former business partner in Panama is now accusing him of cheating on his taxes in that country.

This revelation could lead to a diplomatic incident because the accusation holds that the President of the United States defrauded a foreign government.

The fact that Trump may have cheated someone should come as no surprise. He has a long, long history of dunning people for payment, and then when they attempt to collect in court, he counter-sues for far greater of a sum for all sorts of dubious claims. In order to avoid the escalating legal costs, many of his creditors simply walk away in frustration.

However, in this instance, with a foreign government involved, this tactic may not work.

The tax payments aside, this situation once again demonstrates how when faced with a choice, Trump will always take the lowest road and totally ignore the ethical issue of paying one's debts. The United States certainly doesn't need someone without a moral compass sitting in the Oval Office.

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