02 May 2020

A New Whopper

Coronavirus testing continues to be a disaster for the United States. And this can be blamed 100 percent on Donald Trump.

His administration is the one that refused to use the World Health Organization's already available test and, arrogantly, decided it could develop its own, better test. That's like refusing to use a fire extinguisher when a fire breaks out and instead deciding to invent a better test. While the fire takes hold.

Of course, the test devised by Trump's administration, weeks behind schedule, was not only not better, it flat out failed far too often.

All this notwithstanding, Trump has continued to lie and outrageously so about testing. Before the dust barely even settles on a testing lie, he pops out with another new whopper.

Take, for instance, this past week. Donald Trump said the US was close to being able to provide five million virus tests a day and would then surpass that number. He used qualifiers like "very near future" and "very soon."

This, of course, was a steaming pile of bullshit. Right now, as New York magazine reported this week (link here), the US is running about 300,000 tests per day.

"Hitting the five million–a-day mark would require approximately a 25-fold increase in daily testing capacity," the piece notes. "It’s obviously not imminent."

The country won't begin to recover until millions of tests a day can be conducted. Everyone will likely need multiple tests, because you can be negative today but then become infected a week or a month from now.

This is exactly why Trump is the absolute worse person to serve as President with a crisis like this. He cannot stop lying. And we need truth at a time like this, not happy horseshit.

Many experts predict we'll have a second, more deadly wave this winter. Trump needs to be gone by then. He couldn't manage this crisis. He must not be trusted to handle the next one.

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