12 February 2018

Blake's Back

This lad was featured here on the blog in December as a newcomer to porn. He's only done one more scene since then, so he obviously earns his bread by doing more than just fucking ass on screen.

I see blokes like Blake out and about all the time in Los Angeles. They have fairly conservative haircuts with no visible tattoos or piercings. Somewhat pale like Blake from spending so much time indoors, they obviously work in a business casual environment and are well dressed in clothes that fit nicely and cannot hide their athletic, muscular physiques.

When called upon to interact with such lads, they're always unfailingly polite and a shade demure. Nonetheless, they give off a sexy bookish vibe, and seeing Blake naked makes me wonder if other fellows I see like him have a wild side, too.

The originals for these photos are much larger than they appear below and total nearly seventy in number. To download the complete set in a free zipped folder, please click here.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous04:30

    El siempre será bienvenido.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta


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