Once in power, the opposite has proven to be true. He packed his cabinet with billionaires. Industry lobbyists and Wall Street fatcats dominate his nominees, particularly in any agency or department that regulates business.
Nowhere is this lie more evident now than with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), a fairly new government agency with a mandate to protect ordinary Americans against predatory banks and shady Wall Street practices.
Trump named John Michael "Mick" Mulvaney as interim director of the CFPB. He's a former legislator who has always been a strong advocate for Wall Street.
In his brief tenure, Mulvaney has shelved most of the CFPB's major investigations. He also proposed a zero-dollar budget for the agency, meaning it would be technically mothballed without closing.
And just yesterday came word that he was shutting down the investigation of Equifax, which compromised private data for half of America -- and that may well include you (details here).
Wall Street has repeatedly cheered Mulvaney's wrecking ball approach. The conservative Wall Street Journal has repeatedly praised his ruination of the CFPB in their editorials.
And he's doing it once again with this Equifax announcement.
Trump's team isn't even attempting to hide what they're doing. And, sadly, Trump's supporters are still cheering him on while his administration kicks them in the groin every day of the week.
In the criminal world, a long con is a scam that, once set up, keeps paying dividends. Trump played a long con on the American people with his lies that he would fight for "the little guy."
And now his true colors are showing. Outraged yet?

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