He devotes most of the piece to a dozen bullet points about the indisputable facts about Russia's meddling in America's 2016 election, the extensive contacts between Donald Trump's campaign and the Russian government, Trump's long history of idolozing of idolizing Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, plus Trump's business ties to Russia in transactions involving hundreds of billions of dollars.
Yet Trump contines to deny all of these exhaustively documented facts. He's like the child with pudding all over its face who insists he wasn't eating any pudding.
If Trump had any common sense, which he clearly seems to lack, he would keep his mouth shut any time the 2016 election or Russian connections comes up. All he has to do is say, "that matter is currently being examined by Robert Mueller, so at this time it would inappropriate to make any further comment."
Richard Nixon did not do this as Watergate continued to avalanche around him and made matters far worse by repeatedly lying to the American people.
It's comforting at least that Trump has adopted many of the same self-destructive practices as Tricky Dick. Here's to hoping their departures are similar, too.

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