22 July 2018


On Friday, a former CIA operative who is now a Republican Congressman from Texas wrote an extraordinary guest editorial for the New York Times (link here) with the title "Trump Is Being Manipulated by Putin. What Should We Do?"

Well, Congressman, you have the power to do something about this, unlike we ordinary people who can only watch from the sidelines. The House is where impeachment proceedings are initiated. The House also has the power to hold hearings and subpoeana witnesses in open, public sessions.

Wringing your hands but doing nothing more is an exercise in futility. Congressman, you wrote this piece. Now do something. You have the power, not us. Speak on the floor of the House. Demand your fellow members answer for this. Demand action. Introduce legislation that will do something. If the House leadership blocks it, then go on television and call them out for this.

You hold the solution in your hands, Congressman. Now do something.

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