16 July 2018

Word Salad

Think Progress posted a solid piece on Saturday (link here) that superbly demonstrates how Donald Trump is a babbling fool who has no idea what he's talking about and says nothing of substance.

This is not new news. But it bears remembering today as Trump heads off for private meetings with Vladimir Putin, the former KGB operative who will play Trump like a cheap fiddle.

I never cease to be amazed that Trump can spout off the nonsense he does yet his followers think he's a genius. Do you think he's smart because you have no idea what he's saying?

I am reminded of the latter-day classic film Being There, where Peter Sellers plays a quiet, simple-minded gardener who Washington insiders mistakenly believe is brilliant. But that was a satire. Trump is real life.

I suspect some of Trump's supporters realize he's a fool but he's their convenient idiot who bumbles through instituting their agenda. Perhaps that's a commentary on our craven times that people are willing to turn their country over to an addled clown simply for selfish reasons.

The midterm elections cannot come soon enough. Trump needs severe restraints and the GOP is unwilling to put country before party.

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