11 December 2018


As has become typical, once again in the early hours of the morning, Donald Trump rage tweeted yesterday about the criminal investigation of him and his associations (details here). Not once but twice he typed the phrase "smocking gun" instead of the correct "smoking gun."

This is not the first time he's made this "smocking" error. What the hell is going on?

Is Trump so mentally diminished that he doesn't know how to spell the word "smoking"? It's obviously not a typographic error, because the letter "C" is not near any of the letters in the word "smoking."

Or was this yet another attempt at diversion, to get people talking about "smocking" and not all the recent negative headlines about his possible crimes??

The Week posits a theory in a new article (link here) analyzing Trump's misspelling habits: the typos are deliberate and designed to make Trump seem more like a "common man," not the penthouse-dwelling elite that he actually is?

If the answer is any of the above, it's deeply disturbing. These explanations only serve to underscore how woefully unfit Trump is for any elective office, let alone the planet's most important one.

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