20 December 2018

The Thebans

Chances are you didn't learn about the Sacred Band of Thebes when you were in high school history. That's because they were an all-male, all-gay elite company of warriors (details here).

Not only were they all gay, the troop was entirely made up of male couples. If you didn't have a boyfriend, you couldn't be in the Sacred Band. That must've made the barracks a pretty wild place, but then again it could be very sad -- imagine surviving a battle but your lover didn't.

This material is ripe for both a serious adaptation for the big screen or television and, of course, some hot porn. Here then is a new release featuring four scenes of Thebans back at their camp but not engaged in any fighting.

The originals for these photos are huge and total ninety in number from four separate shoots with different players. To download the complete collection in a free zipped folder, click here.

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