This one swirled around the startling revelation that the Department of Homeland Security had deliberately falsified reports and intel with the sole purpose of making Trump look good or to help his reelection campaign (details here). These allegations are contained in a whistleblower's complaint that was released by the House of Representatives.
The whistleblower alleged a number of serious violations, which include:
1) That Trump's former Homeland Secretary exaggerated numbers for suspected terrorists who crossed the southern border into the US in official documents and in congressional hearings to bolster Trump's campaign messaging.
2) A later acting Homeland Secretary ordered that a report about violence in Central America be falsified to buttress Trump's claims and campaign messaging.
3) The threat of Russia's interference in this year's election to benefit Trump was deliberately withheld from reporting.
4) Two different acting Homeland Secretaries ordered reporting to downplay the threat from violent white supremacists and far right groups and to make left-leaning groups sound more dangerous to match Trump's public claims.
Who ultimately made the decision to cook the reporting to Trump's benefit? Was that Trump himself? or if it was someone else, was he made aware of that fact?
The House of Representatives will soon hold hearings as they begin to investigate this unfolding scandal.
The election is in little more than fifty days. To register to vote and to check your registration status, click here.

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