21 September 2020

The Diruptors

The September 14, 2020, issue of the New Yorker features a thought-provoking piece (link here) written by a Moscow-based American journalist about how Russian intelligence operatives meddling in the 2020 election may not end up changing many minds about which candidate to support.

At the same time, they still do significant damage to American society overall by making the nation more polarized, demoralized, and confused.

And that all benefits Donald Trump, who would not have caught hold in 2016 nearly as well had the nation not already been so divided. And Trump, as the linked article thoroughly establishes, is far more disruptive than foreign actors.

The big question we may never see answered is exactly how close Trump is to Russia. Is there a secret partnership? Or is Trump simply Russia's useful idiot?

At the end of the day, the answer may not really matter, because either way, Trump is significantly harming America in so many ways.

We can work together to defeat him in November, however. Register to vote and volunteer now. Time is running out. To learn more about registering to vote and to check your status, click here.

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