04 November 2019


During the 2016 campaign, Donald Trump promised repeatedly to build a wall on the Mexican border from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean and that Mexico would pay for it.

Flash forward three years later — after Mexico told Trump to get stuffed — and the only border wall that's been built is near San Diego and replaces an existing wall. That's cost American taxpayers around $10 billion so far.

And now comes the Washington Post with a breaking story (link here) about how smugglers are already cutting through the wall with common powertools that can be found in any hardware store.

So in other words, the wall is worthless. Of course, scores of experts have repeatedly told Trump this would happen but, of course, he didn't listen to them because he mistakenly and foolishly thinks he's smarter than everyone else.

Developing a sensible border policy that actually works is an extremely complex and difficult task. That kind of hard work is impossible for Trump. So instead he touted an add-water-and-stir policy that would appeal to the ill informed, low-information voter. But that policy was a chimera, and as we now see, it was nothing but hot air.

And at least $10 billion have been wasted on this folly. That's $10 billion that could have been much better spent in a million ways, including developing and instituting a sensible border policy that would actually work.

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