22 September 2019


Donald Trump visited the southern border last week to see "construction on his wall," which is really just a fence that's being rebuilt with funds already approved by Congress before he was elected.

Before his visit, he was briefed on security features in the new fence by the chief of the US Army Corps of Engineers but asked not to mention certain items in public (details here).

Once at the border, however, Trump was quick to tell reporters that the fence is "wired so that we will know if somebody is trying to break through." He then turned to the Corps of Engineers chief and asked him to explain.

He responded quietly: "Sir, there could be some merit in not discussing it." He then said nothing more, understanding the importance of secrecy.

That, of course, would not do for Trump. He then proceeded to tell reporters about other security features, the very ones he had been asked not to reveal, including that fence censors were linked to drones.

This is not the first time Trump has blabbed out an important secret where he shouldn't have. And it's not the second nor the third nor the fourth nor the fifth.

And this is the same Trump who insists he would never say anything indiscreet or improper to any foreign leader. If the potential consequences weren't so tragic, Trump could be a comedy act.

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