29 September 2019

The Lowest Road

Not long after the story broke this week about Donald Trump leaning on the President of Ukraine to dig up political dirt on his possible 2020 election opponent in exchange for foreign aid, stories that he'd done something similar in China began to emerge (details here).

While most campaigns do at least some opposition research, they don't weaponize it by wrapping it in fabricated claims, as Trump is fond of doing. Indeed, as Axios reported this week, Trump is trying to use the same sorts of dirty tricks against Joe Biden that he used against Hillary Clinton in 2016 (link here).

It's amazing how, rather than run on issues against an opponent, Trump primarily focuses his effort on dirty tactics and weaponized lies. It's like he's pathologically unable to take the decent road.

As for his dirty work in China, the House Intelligence Committee has already indicated it intends to include all nations with which Trump may have had improper contact during the first three years of his administration. The more evidence the better to use against Trump in his possible impeachment proceedings.

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