24 April 2019

Poison Pill

Yesterday, the New York Times published an interesting opinion piece (link here) with the title of "There’s a Bigger Prize Than Impeachment" and the deck title of "Keeping Trump in office will destroy the Republican Party."

It's an interesting idea and the future lineup of Congressional hearings into the Trump administration's scandals could do some damage this year and next, but there's no guarantee that those won't fizzle out if there aren't any gigantic bombshells. As well, Donald Trump has ordered everyone in his administration to ignore congressional subpoenas -- a dangerous precedent -- which pits the White House and Congress on a collision course that will likely be resolve in federal courts.

Every day Trump remains in office, however, does further damage to the country. And with the Senate expediting his arch-conservative judicial nominees through confirmation, with virtually all of them being approved, the nation will be affected by this for decades. So Trump can do a great deal of damage in the remaining part of this term.

And what if he's re-elected, which is something of a long shot but certainly not impossible. Remember, he was a long shot before and won nonetheless. And we may also face the danger that if Trump is defeated next year, he will simply declare the results as being fraudulent and refuse to leave office.

The sooner he is gone the better, and the weaker he is made now the better. Even if impeachment does not lead to removal, I think it would do more damage to the GOP in the next two years than hoping Trump will destroy the Republican Party.

Thanks but no thanks.

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