08 April 2019

Too Full

At an immigration roundtable on Friday, Donald Trump said something particularly stupid and a cut above his usual idiocy.

"This is our new statement: The system is full," Trump said, unilaterally declaring that the country cannot take any more immigrants (source here). "We can’t take you anymore. Whether it’s asylum, whether it’s anything you want. It’s illegal immigration? We can’t take you anymore. We can’t take you. Our country is full, our area is full, the sector is full. We can’t take any more. Sorry. Can’t have it. So turn around. That’s the way it is."

Such a moronic conclusion makes me wonder if the man actually attended any economics classes at Wharton where he received an undergraduate degree.

A country needs population growth in order for the economy to grow. If you have a low national birthrate, as the United States now has, you need to make up that difference with immigration.

That aside, the United States isn't the size of Monaco. In fact, the US is far less densely populated than most countries on earth -- the United States currently ranks 177th in population density out of 233 countries and territories (source here).

The "too many immigrants" mantra has long been a Trump staple, dating back to decades before he ran for President. Like many racists, Trump does not like more brown people in the United States. Unless you're coming from some place like Norway, he wants you to stay home.

That is, unless you have ready cash to invest in any of his real estate projects. In that case, you're more than welcome.

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