29 April 2019

The Sergeant at Arms

Donald Trump and the House of Representatives are currently locked in a game of political chicken. Various House committees have sent subpoenas to various members of the Trump administration for documents and/or to appear at public hearings, and Trump has ordered the latter to ignore all subpoenas.

Here's a way to break that stalemate: The House Sergeant at Arms has the legal authority to arrest anyone who ignores a House subpoena, to physically detain him or her, and to bring him or her before the relevant committee to testify (details here). The House itself can also put that scofflaw on trial, and the Supreme Court has already affirmed it has this power.

And there's nothing Trump can do to stop this. Now obviously the best people for the House Sergeant at Arms to arrest and bring before the committees are those who don't have a federal security detail. And plenty of those have been subpoenaed.

Do it, Congress. Do it.

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