If the child in question were parented by two straight people, then there would be no question that he would be considered an American citizen. But because his parents are gay, Trump's administration is trying to deny citizenship to the child because his biological dad is not a citizen.
One could see this as yet another attempt by the Trump administration to nibble away at LGBT equality rights. It's important to remember that Trump's State Department is headed by Michael Pompeo, an ultra-conservative Catholic who still opposes marriage equality, even though it is the law of the land (details here).
So rather than protecting LGBT Americans, as required by law, Pompeo is trying to use the State Department to persecute them and treat them like second-class citizens. And Trump is happy to let him do that.
Add this to the hundreds if not thousands of pieces of evidence that, contrary to his lie that he's pro-LGBT, Trump is actually the complete opposite. His administration is not a friend of LGBT Americans. It is the enemy.

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