The greatest long-term damage that arguably will be caused as a result of the Trump administration are the numerous federal judges -- lifetime appointments all -- that Trump will nominate (although they're actually selected by conservative special interest groups). Many of them will fill or already are filling open slots that McConnell blocked during President Obama's administration. The rest will be confirmed on a fast-track basis in the Senate, thanks again to McConnell.
To this end, The Advocate published an excellent commentary on Monday (link here) with the title "Trump Is Horrible But Mitch McConnell Is Really Destroying America." It's not a long piece and I recommend you read it.
As if on cue, at about the same time, McConnell and some of his henchmen thugs gleeful made it known that if the House of Representatives impeaches Trump, the Senate will move as quickly as possible to hold the most minimal hearing possible and then vote (details here). Curious how they weren't so dismissive when Bill Clinton was impeached for transgressions far more minor compared to Trump.
And then yesterday came the report that McConnell's wife -- who happens to be Trump's Secretary of Transportation -- still owns stock in a transportation company that she promised more than a year ago to divest (details here).
Turns out "drain the swamp" may be one of Trump's biggest lies of all time.

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