Yet again, Donald Trump and his companies have been exposed for hiring illegal aliens -- this time at his winery (details here). This is at least the fourth time his hiring of undocumented foreigners has become a scandal, all the while he continues to rant and rave about illegal aliens entering the United States. Perhaps if he didn't give them so many jobs, they wouldn't come.
Meanwhile, down at Mar-a-Lago, Trump's grossly overpriced resort in Florida, a new scandal has erupted (details here) over yet another big donor who was trying to sell access to the President. The businessman in question admitted to "trying to leverage his donations to Trump and his pro-Trump activism in 2016 by packaging a trip for Chinese businesspeople that would include a stop at Mar-a-Lago."
On other fronts, while Trump falsely screeches every thirteen seconds that the Mueller Report exonerated him, the folks at Wired put together a comprehensive piece (link here) reminding everyone that the President and his company still face sixteen known federal, state, and local criminal probes. That number, of course, may actually be higher.
And, yes, while Trump cannot be prosecuted on a federal level as long as he remains in the White House, that doesn't hold true for state and local undertakings. Keep your eye on New York, where the new Attorney General seems to be particularly vigilant in pursuing Trump.

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