But as Chiat notes, there's utterly no basis to smear either individual because the "scandal" they're attempting to gin up is non-existent. So like many things in Trump world, they're attempting to build a massive web of lies and then using that in a game of "gotcha" against their "enemies."
As Chiat notes, this may not be illegal. But "it’s grossly, terrifyingly improper."
Ukraine is already anxiously needing America's help against its aggressive neighbor Russia so it's inclined to do whatever Trump needs. It already stopped cooperating with the Mueller investigation because Trump told them to knock it off, which many argue was a criminal attempt to obstruct justice on Trump's part.
Chiat may not be right that the attempted Ukrainian smear is not illegal. It could be quid pro quo assistance for a political campaign from a foreign government, which is a criminal violation for the candidate if it is solicited, which it certainly appears to be here.
This whole sorry incident illustrates there's no unethical, corrupt low the Trump campaign won't stoop to. It has already refused to desist from using any hacked data or information about opponents, which could be seen as a promise to possibly commit criminal acts.
Bottom line: the Trump 2020 re-election campaign will make the Nixon 1972 re-election campaign look like a girl scout picnic in comparison.

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