The alleged reasoning for this is to stop Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. This conveniently ignores the Iranian nuclear deal negotiated during the Obama Administration that has effectively stopped Iran from developing any such weapon.
The allegedly bone-spurred draft-avoiding Trump has a fetishistic attraction to the military and warfare. There used to be a phrase for such individuals -- chicken hawks.
One has to wonder if Trump thinks a war with Iran would somehow improve his re-election chances in 2020. Given his ignorance of history, even recent history, he would not realize how foolish such a move would be.
Iran is an autocratic regime but arguably is no worse than Russia, a place Trump deeply admires. So to get all worked up over Iran while swooning about Moscow is the epitome of hypocrisy. But then hypocrisy has always been one of Trump's hallmarks.
Hopefully cooler heads will prevail in Washington and pull Trump and Bolton back from the brink. While Trump made similar noises about North Korea, he eventually became that brutal regime's gushing apologist. One cannot imagine he would do the same about Iran, however, given his racist attitude about Muslims.
Trump bungles nearly everything he tries. One would have to assume the same would result with any war he recklessly wandered into; thus, all the more reason to work to see it never happens on his watch.

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