26 April 2020

Say It Loud, Say It Clear

The Boston Globe published a brilliant oped yesterday (link here) with the blunt title of "Say it loud, say it clear: Donald Trump needs to resign over his handling of the coronavirus."

The thesis is introduced in a paragraph:

"It’s not just the catalog of screw-ups that led us to this point — the playing down of the threat, the lack of testing, the spread of misinformation and lies, and the government-wide inattention to the issue. It’s that Trump represents an ongoing danger to the health and well-being of the American people."

Trump will never follow this advice. But that doesn't mean it shouldn't be set down in print.

Indeed, the piece's author anticipates this. "I’m under no illusions that Trump is going to resign," he says. But it is necessary because "a call for resignation is a statement of principle that Trump’s actions so clearly violate the public trust that his position in office has become untenable."

The linked piece offers a damning indictment of Trump's incompetence. It's not long. Read and share with friends and acquaintances.

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