21 April 2020

Terribly Flawed

Coronavirus testing in the United States still is abysmal. It's an international embarrassment, and a great deal of the blame lies with the Trump administration. For his part, Donald Trump is spending most of his energies into rolling out a blame campaign to pass the buck.

Until testing improves drastically, Americans must remain isolated and can't get back to normal. Half way through a piece in yesterday's New York Times (link here) reveals this:

"The testing program in the United States remains terribly flawed. About a month ago, the Trump administration promised 27 million tests would be available by the end of March. Late April is now approaching, and yet only about 4 million tests have been conducted."

Yet another grand promise from Trump and his people that was completely untethered from reality. Why do people keep believing the President when he's such an obvious liar?

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