07 April 2020

Two Indisputable Facts

The coronavirus pandemic spreading to the United States was inevitable. There are two indisputable facts about what followed.

First, Donald Trump refused to acknowledge the looming disaster for six weeks, thereby making it much worse, with many more infections and deaths that could have been prevented.

And second, even after he finally came around to the idea that coronavirus was a deadly threat against the American people and economy, he has badly managed confronting the crisis, thus causing more infections and death.

On this second point, NBC published a sobering article on Sunday (link here) with the blunt title of "Two months in, Trump's coronavirus response creates more chaos." The secondary title is "Amid America's biggest crisis in generations, the president's actions have often complicated problems rather than resolved them."

Read and share, particularly with anyone who claims Trump is doing an excellent job managing the federal government's response.

There were many reasons not to reelect Trump before this crisis began. But his trivializing it and then mismanaging the response have become the biggest reason of all.

The man is a menace and must be removed from office this November. Vote like your life depends on it. Because it very well might.

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