26 December 2020

Making the Case

Late Friday, The Guardian published a good opinion piece (link here) making the case why Donald Trump should be criminally prosecuted once he leaves office.

There are political issues, certainly, but the idea that a President should not be above the law is paramount. Otherwise, being elected President would confer a lifetime immunity.

Given how Trump considered not being removed after he was impeached as a license to commit more crimes, he likely would do the same if not prosecuted once he leaves office. There's certainly no question he committed at least some crimes, as evidenced by his being identified in court documents as the ringleader in a conspiracy which led to his lawyer being sent to prison.

This issue may ultimately be out of the Department of Justice's hands if the state of New York decides to prosecute Trump for tax fraud and loan fraud once he leaves office. If he's convicted in that proceeding, the federal government might then appear remiss if it failed to prosecute him as well.

As I've noted before here several times, I suspect this is why Trump is so terrified of leaving office. He knows what's waiting once he no longer has the power of the presidency at his beck and call.

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