10 December 2020

The Real Reason

The Bulwark published an insightful piece yesterday (link here) possibly revealing the real goal behind Donald Trump's crazy nonsense about vote rigging and election fraud.

It isn't to keep control of the presidency. It's to keep control of the Republican Party.

While controlling a major political party isn't as powerful as the presidency, "it’s not nothing, either," as the article notes. Trump tries to monetize everything, and what better place to do that than when you're controlling a major political party.

You want to run for Congress? You can only do it by paying fealty to Trump. And there will be a dollar value attached to that. Not used hundreds in a paper bag but with things like paying him a speaking fee to appear at your event and/or by lavishly patronizing his business.

Trump thinks like a mobster, so if you imagine what it would be like with John Gotti as head of the Republican Party, what you'll end up is not too far removed.

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