16 December 2020


With President-elect Joe Biden's decisive win yesterday in the Electoral College, more Republican politicians have come off the fence and either congratulated him or at least acknowledged he has won.

Some diehards, however, continue to insist Donald Trump really won but that's been covered up by massive fraud and cheating, notwithstanding a complete lack of evidence to support that claim. Some have even called for Trump to impose martial law so that he might remain President. It's curious how these so-called defenders of the Constitution insist that foundational document must now be ignored in order to "save" it.

Conservative Republican pundit Michael Gerson addressed this latter group in a pitch-perfect opinion piece in Monday's Washington Post (link here) with the title "The moral hypocrisy of conservative leaders is stunning."

He does not mince words in his condemnation of people he once respected. Conservativism formerly strived to uphold the Constitution and democracy, he says, but no more. Now it's the ends justify the means no matter what. If it's a choice between democracy or undemocratically keeping Republicans in power, they will choose the latter without a second thought.

He makes good, solid points. Whether it will reach his intended audience remains to be seen. They are more and more isolated in an insular bubble.

After all, he describes their supporters as "so disconnected from reality that sanity is viewed as a betrayal." They may well be by this point in time, too.

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