01 November 2017

Backfiring Spectacularly

Once again following my rule that when a Republican speaks out against Donald Trump, we need to listen, I direct your attention today to an excellent piece by former George W. Bush speechwriter David Frum (link here) titled "Staying Silent May Backfire Spectacularly on Republican Lawmakers."

The topic of the silence in his headline refers to Trump, Russia, and the rampant criminality of some members of Trump's campaign team.

Sometimes in Washington, it's best to stay silent to avoid having something blow up in your face later. But given how things are playing out with the escalating Trump/Russia scandal, staying silent now could be something that explodes in your face sooner rather than later.

To use a real-world example, still supporting Richard Nixon a few weeks before he resigned killed more than a few Republican careers in Washington. The die-hards died hard and were defeated in the next election.

The 2018 Congressional elections are a year from next Monday. It's time for Republicans to take the millstone off their neck and denouce Trump, because otherwise it may soon be too late.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous05:25

    Aquí solo vale decir "salvanse quien pueda".Amigo venezolano,Cucuta


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