In it, she nicely demonstrates how Donald Trump is fulfilling Michelle Obama's maxim: "Being president doesn’t change who you are. It reveals who you are."
Rubin illustrates this perfectly with the Time magazine controversy recently in the news. Trump claimed that Time was "probably" naming him Person of the Year for the second year running, with an interview and "major photo shoot," but he pulled his name out of contention because he couldn't be promised the recognition.
Time promptly responded by saying that Trump's claim was bullshit, as phony as the bogus Time magazine covers of himself that he plastered all over his golf properties until his lie was exposed by the media.
Rubin writes: "Imagine a self-described billionaire, a man who beat the odds and won the presidency. He’s now the most powerful man in the world, but he feels compelled to make up a story to explain why a magazine isn’t giving him a meaningless tribute. That’s how needy Trump is."
The root cause of all this, of course, is Trump's raging insecurity. He doesn't feel worthy, so he lies to make himself sound more important, and thereby makes himself look even less worthy and more foolish as a result.
Rubin also notes: "His bottomless well of insecurity makes him a sitting duck for authoritarians well-versed in the art of flattery. His self-absorption make him incurious about the world -- about anything other than himself -- and as one who asserts he knows more than anyone else, he cannot learn from others. His personality defects make him unwilling to give up grudges, unable to let go of small inconsequential matters (e.g. athletes kneeling, crowd size), unequipped to control his anger, unprepared to set out a bottom line in negotiations and unmoved by others’ expectation he should show loyalty to them."
For these reasons alone, Trump is entirely unfit to be President. The disastrous first ten months of his presidency have repeatedly proven how he is just about the last person who should fill that office.
Yet why do some people keep insisting they love the emperor's new clothes?
Fortunately, fewer and fewer do. Trump is his own worst enemy, and he is incapable of stopping his self-sabotage campaign. Unfortunately, America and its citizens may well be collateral damage along the way before he is finally removed from office.

Que vergüenza.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta
ReplyDeleteSince «45» was elected and even before, USA's medias are just spreading wall to wall their news on that «moron».
ReplyDeleteMy mother, a French 90yo living in Québec city, did this remark: "I'm to tired to hear and see him every day on the news. I don't remember, like for Obama or any other president, to be this often on the news."
I also notice how too often the news, on CNN or on FOX NEWS, it's ALL about «HIM» or the sex scandals in USA.
This is showing the rest of the world how USA is getting so self centered and that the medias are ignoring what is going on in other parts of the world.
Yes, you talk of China, North Korea, Russia but it's all in regard of USA's interests.
What I also see, even in weather forecasts in USA, the weather systems NEVER cross the borders, north or south. As if Mexico and Canada doesn't exist. USA's people may think they live on an island or a remote planet.. LOL!!
You have the president you deserve, egocentric and turn on himself. «45» is finally the picture of your country and gives the world a BAD reputation of ALL Americans.
Make America Great Again, but only to the wealthy and the white people of USA.
Great image to accompany this post, Manhandler!