Setting aside the fact that Bannon sounds somewhat intoxicated, he clearly has a messiah complex. I was, however, torn between deciding he was as much a liar as Trump and knows he's spewing bullshit or, on the other hand, he could be completely delusional and believes the gibberish that he peddles.
I found it particularly surreal that he tries to claim he's not a homophobe, misogynist, racist, or anti-Semitic. Than why did and does his Breitbart website constantly spew anti-LGBT, anti-women, anti-Semitic, and anti-anything-but-white propaganda?
You will notice, if you listen, that Bannon doesn't answer many questions. He will almost immediately veer into another direction, either by accident or by design. The reporter interviewing him should've steered him back to the topic so he'd either have to answer on point or refuse to answer.
The interview is edifying for the journey it provides into the warped and dangerous mind of Trumpism. Like all haters, Bannon denies that he hates, but his lies and dissembling speak much louder. Only fools are fooled.

Dan ganas de vomitar.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta