05 November 2017


Newsweek published a detailed analysis piece this week (link here) with the title "Trump is leading the most corrupt administration in U.S. history, one of the first-class kleptocrats."

This excerpt is particularly noteworthy: "According to the presidential historian Robert Dallek, no American leader has acted with more unadulterated self-interest as Trump. Dallek says that in terms of outright corruption, Trump is worse than both Ulysses S. Grant and Warren G. Harding, presidents who oversaw the most flagrant instances of graft in American political history.... As far as Dallek is concerned, something more nefarious is at work in the White House of Donald Trump."

"'What makes this different,' Dallek says, 'is that the president can’t seem to speak the truth about a host of things.' Trump isn’t just allowing corruption, in Dallek’s view, but encouraging it. 'The fish rots from the head,' he reminds."

All Democrats and a few Republicans in Congress are outraged by the President's shameless and blatant corruption. However, they are not enough in number to remove Trump from office.

America is in a very sorry state that this is happening. What's sorrier still, however, is how so many people are willing to look the other way. But maybe that's what it's like to live in a corrupt country.

Fortunately, enough people are outraged that this will not end quietly. Speak up and speak out. And read the Newsweek piece.


  1. Anonymous03:19

    Y la gente cada vez se va a sentir furiosa con esta situación.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta

  2. justin hartley (kevin) from tv's "this is us"? :)


Speak up!