As well, both pieces explore how Trump may soon attempt to sabotage Mueller's investigation and/or fire him outright. He certainly has shown a history to obstruct any probes of his campaign and business when he fired FBI Director James Comey.
First up for your reading is an article published by Vanity Fair (link here) about how impeachment fear has gripped the West Wing, Trump is now irrationally lashing out at his own family, and the President's confidantes are advising legally reckless and dubious responses.
The piece is not long but lays out a number of possible and dangerous scenarios that Trump may attempt to stop any further investigations into him or his associates. For a man who constantly asserts he's innocent, he certainly acting guilty -- if he had nothing to hide, he would welcome the investigation.
And second on your reading list is an article in Rolling Stone (link here) with the title "What Will Congress Do If Trump Tries to Fire Mueller?" Another short piece, this item lays out two bipartisan proposals on Capitol Hill that would limit a president's ability to terminate a special counsel while an active investigation was underway.
This latter issue is extremely important to follow, because the instant Trump makes any kind of public move to stop Mueller, we must all immediately contact out representatives on Capitol Hill to thwart him.

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