26 November 2017

This Film May Offend You

I will state up front that this scene is not for everyone. It includes a great deal of piss play. I don't think I've ever seen so much pee in one porn flick. But if you're into that, buckle on your galoshes and pull up a chair.

If you're not into that, then come back tomorrow.

You've been warned.

These lads must've sucked back a whole hell of a lot of beer or something similar before this was filmed. I thought perhaps some of it was trick photography, but I looked closely and it seemed real. Perhaps they used some "piss doubles" for certain angles and also shot multiple angles at once to reuse certain footage. Whatever the answer, it's a great scene.

If you'd rather watch this on the source webpage or to download your own free copy of this video to keep, be sure to click here.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous04:26

    Recibio su baño dorado.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta


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