While some elements of this were already reported by the press, the Vanity Fair piece provides far more detail about both what happened and the damage Trump's carelessness has caused.
The piece also breaks new ground in reporting how Israel's intelligence agency warned the CIA that secrets shared with Trump could end up in Kremlin hands, which is exactly what happened at the May meeting.
Because of Trump's horrendous blunder in May, the magazine reports, its possible that people may have even been killed because of what the President did.
Trump's actions were not illegal. Unlike all other government officials who have classified status, a President can reveal any intelligence for any reason without fear of prosecution.
What is legal, however, sometimes is not wise, and that's certainly the case here. At a minimum, Trump should have been impeached and removed from office for what happened in this May meeting. But gutless Republicans, who have put party before country, will not move on this front unless Trump's base turns against him.
I urge you to read the linked article. It reads like a spy thriller but, sadly, it's a true story.

Si hubiera sido Obama, inmedatamente ellos se hubieron mostrados horrorizados.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta