This fact was also echoed in a piece published yesterday in The Washington Post (link here) about how these last-minute changes almost certainly will further benefit Donald Trump on top of the $600 million windfall he and his family will receive if this tax proposal passes.
The Washington Post also published a piece over the weekend (link here) about how the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office concluded that tax bill would hurt poor people even more than was originally thought.
Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman wrote a withering opinion piece yesterday (link here) with a title that also spells things out in no uncertain terms: "The Biggest Tax Scam in History." He carefully outlines how the bill would hurt the working poor and the middle class, but help the rich, particularly those who don't work and just earn millions on their investments.
This proposal is a travesty. The fact that Trump is trying to sell it as a plan to primarily benefit the middle class is all the more obscene. We will be paying more taxes for decades just so the rich can receive even larger tax cuts.
Enough is enough. If you haven't already contacted your Senators to demand a "no" vote on this horrible bill, you must do it now. Your Senators' contact details can be found here.

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