Part of the reason, as the piece establishes, for China's increasing dominance is that Trump doesn't fundamentally understand basics about how things like tariffs, trade deficits, trade treaties, and more actually work. He has an undergraduate degree from the Wharton School, but given he rarely attended class, never read the required texts, and paid people to take his exams and write his papers for him, it's no wonder he's profoundly ignorant about economic and finance basics.
As a result, Trump has badly fumbled and China has benefited from America's failures. As the article notes, "Trump had promised that by punishing China he would revive the Midwest, but while Silicon Valley saw an increase in manufacturing jobs, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin all lost factory jobs during his tenure. And, of course, today, due to his catastrophic mismanagement of the pandemic, every region of the country is in deep recession."
The article then moves on to detail a number of times Trump groveled before China and its president Xi Jinping in return for personal favors. That kind of behavior has also helped make China stronger and America weaker.
Trump has no administrative nor diplomatic experience, yet he thinks he's a masterful negotiator and diplomat and knows more than those with decades of experience. China saw through his delusions instantly and quickly realized how he could be tricked and manipulated. Like the dutiful puppet and dupe he is, he danced for his masters whilst thinking he had played them. Again, a win for China and a loss for America.
So rather than "making America great again," he has made China great again.
This disaster can be reversed by voting Trump out of office on November third. Have you requested your mail-in or absentee ballot yet? In many states, that process is already underway and you can do so right now. Click here to learn how to get started in your state.

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