The organization raised $25 million and Bannon is alleged to have siphoned off more than a million of that for himself, notwithstanding he had pledged he would earn nothing from the venture.
Bannon becomes yet another member of Trump's inner-most circle to be arrested and indicted. Of the seven most important people in Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, all have now been arrested and indicted, and all but Bannon have been convicted.
Many more at the top of Trump's campaign and administration have also been arrested and indicted, with the majority of those being found guilty. None have been found not guilty to date.
It speaks volumes about a President that he surrounded himself with criminals as he attempted to bulldoze his way into office. He used to brag about how he would hire only the best people if he was elected. Little did we know at the time he meant the best people to commit crimes.
Yesterday at the White House, after listing the lengthy group of people in Trumpworld who have been convicted of federal crimes, a reporter asked what all the lawlessness says about the President's judgment. Trump answered: "Well, I have no idea."
Time to throw the Trump criminal conspiracy out of the White House. The election is Tuesday, November third. Check that you're registered to vote and in good standing by clicking here.

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